Croatian Bean Stew

Croatian Bean Stew

Prep: 10 mins
Total: 1 hr 10 mins


  • 2 cans - Cannellini Beans
  • 3 tbs - Vegetable Oil
  • 2 cups - Tomatoes
  • 5 - Challots
  • 2 cloves - Garlic
  • Pinch - Parsley
  • 1/2 kg chopped - Chorizo


Heat the oil in a pan. Add the chopped vegetables and sauté until tender. Take a pot, empty the beans together with the vegetables into it, put the sausages inside and cook for further 20 minutes on a low heat. Or, put it in an oven and bake it at a temperature of 180ºC/350ºF for 30 minutes. This dish is even better reheated the next day.